
Mastering Commit Messages.

Frame 12
June 13, 2023


In the world of software development, commit messages play a crucial role in maintaining project history and facilitating collaboration among team members. This blog explores the significance of commit messages and how a minor change in their style can have a significant impact on the overall development process.

By following the conventions outlined in tools like git-conventional-commits, developers can:

  • Ensure consistent and informative commit messages

  • Improve codebase maintenance

  • Facilitate easier issue tracking

  • Automate generation of changelogs

Discover the power of mastering commit message formats and learn practical examples that can elevate your version control workflow to new heights.

Types of Commits

1. API Relevant Changes:

  • feat: Commits that add new features to the codebase.

  • fix: Commits that address and resolve bugs in the code.

2. Code Refactor:

  • refactor: Commits that involve rewriting or restructuring the code without changing its behavior.

  • perf: Special refactor commits that focus on improving performance.

3. Style Commits:

  • style: Commits that deal with non-functional changes such as whitespace, formatting, or missing semi-colons.

4. Test Commits:

  • test: Commits that add missing tests or correct existing tests to improve the code's test coverage.

5. Documentation Commits:

  • docs: Commits that only affect the project's documentation, such as updating README files or modifying comments.

6. Build Commits:

  • build: Commits that affect build components, including build tools, CI pipeline, project dependencies, and project version.

7. Operational Commits:

  • ops: Commits that affect operational components like infrastructure, deployment processes, backup mechanisms, and recovery procedures.

8. Miscellaneous Commits:

  • chore: Commits that encompass miscellaneous changes, such as modifying the .gitignore file or performing housekeeping tasks.

Commit Formats


<type>([<optional scope>]): <subject>

empty separator line [<optional body>

empty separator line javascript[<optional footer>]


Merge branch '' Follows the default git merge message

Please note that the code snippets are enclosed within triple backticks to ensure proper formatting.


Scopes add some extra flavor to your commits, providing additional context.

  • They are an optional part of the commit format.

  • The allowed scopes depend on the specific project's vibe.

  • Remember, let's not use issue identifiers as scopes, we're keeping it cool!


The subject is where you drop the coolness bomb with a succinct description of the change.

  • It's a mandatory part of the commit format.

  • Keep it in the present tense, using that cool imperative style. "Change" instead of "Changed" or "Changes".

  • No need to capitalize the first letter, let's keep it casual.

  • And no dots at the end, just the pure essence of coolness.


The body is where you can really jazz it up, sharing the motivation for the change and setting it apart from the old ways.

  • It's an optional part of the commit format.

  • Let's keep the coolness flowing in the present tense. "Change" instead of "Changed" or "Changes".

  • You can use this space to drop some references to related issues, making it even cooler.


The footer is where the magic happens. It's all about Breaking Changes and shoutouts to the Issues.

  • It's an optional part of the commit format, but who doesn't want to be cool?

  • If you're feeling like dropping some vibes, go ahead and reference those issues by their IDs.

  • And if you've got any Breaking Changes to announce, start with "BREAKING CHANGES:" and let the coolness unfold.

Keep it cool, my friend! This commit format is all about adding some swagger to your version control game. Let's make coding a groovy experience!


  • feat(user authentication): implement OAuth login flow

  • feat: add new payment method for checkout Relates to issue #42 BREAKING CHANGES: The payment method API has been completely redesigned.

  • fix: resolve issue with incorrect data validation This bug occurred due to .

  • build(release): update version to 2.0.0

  • build: update project dependencies

  • refactor: optimize sorting algorithm for better performance

  • style: format code according to style guidelines

Commit types

  • feat Features: Introduces a new feature. ✨ (Release: minor, Include in changelog: true)

  • fix Bug Fixes: Resolves a bug. 🐛 (Release: patch, Include in changelog: true)

  • docs Documentation: Updates documentation only. 📚 (Release: patch if scope is readme, Include in changelog: true)

  • style Styles: Changes that don't affect code meaning (e.g., formatting, whitespace). 💎 (Release: -, Include in changelog: true)

  • refactor Code Refactoring: Changes that neither fix a bug nor add a feature. 📦 (Release: -, Include in changelog: true)

  • perf Performance Improvements: Enhances code performance. 🚀 (Release: patch, Include in changelog: true)

  • test Tests: Adds or corrects tests. 🚨 (Release: -, Include in changelog: true)

  • __build __ Builds: Changes related to the build system or dependencies. 🛠️ (Release: patch, Include in changelog: true)

  • ci Continuous Integrations: Changes to CI configuration files and scripts. ⚙️ (Release: -, Include in changelog: true)

  • chore Chores: Other changes not modifying source or test files. ♻️ (Release: -, Include in changelog: true)

  • revert Reverts: Reverts a previous commit. 🗑️ (Release: -, Include in changelog: true)

Commit Aliases

Aliases allow having additional commit types (in tools like commitizen) that follow the AngularJS Commit Message Conventions. For example, using the commitizen CLI, the choice initial will result in the final commit message: "feat: Initial commit 🎉"

1. Commit Type: initial

  • Maps to: feat

  • Title: Initial

  • Description: Initial commit

  • Emoji: 🎉

2. Commit Type: dependencies

  • Maps to: fix

  • Title: Dependencies

  • Description: Update dependencies

  • Emoji: ⬆️

3. Commit Type: peerDependencies

  • Maps to: fix

  • Title: Peer dependencies

  • Description: Update peer dependencies

  • Emoji: ⬆️

4. Commit Type: devDependencies

  • Maps to: chore

  • Title: Dev dependencies

  • Description: Update development dependencies

  • Emoji: ⬆️

5. Commit Type: metadata

  • Maps to: fix

  • Title: Metadata

  • Description: Update metadata (package.json)

  • Emoji: 📦

Importance of Commit Messages

Commit messages serve as a communication tool between developers and project stakeholders. They provide valuable information about the changes made in the codebase and the reasons behind those changes. Here are some reasons why commit messages are important:

  • Maintaining project history: Commit messages create a chronological record of changes made to the project. They help developers understand the evolution of the codebase over time.

  • Facilitating collaboration: Clear and informative commit messages make it easier for team members to collaborate. They provide context and help others understand the intent behind a particular change.

  • Easier issue tracking: Commit messages that reference related issues or bug reports help in tracking and resolving those issues effectively.

  • Codebase maintenance: Well-crafted commit messages make it easier to maintain and refactor the codebase in the future. They provide insights into the rationale behind specific code changes.

  • Generating changelogs: By following a consistent commit message format, automated tools can generate changelogs automatically. Changelogs help users understand what changes have been introduced in a new version of the software.

Small Changes, Big Difference

The commit message style can greatly impact the overall development process. By following certain conventions and adopting a consistent style, developers can enhance their version control workflow. Here are some ways in which small changes in commit message style can make a big difference:

  • Consistency: By following a predefined commit message format, such as the one described earlier, developers can maintain consistency across their commits. Consistent commit messages make it easier to understand and navigate through the project's history.

  • Informational: A well-crafted commit message provides valuable information about the change made in the code. It describes the purpose of the change, any related issues, and, if applicable, any breaking changes. This information helps developers and project stakeholders understand the context and impact of the change.

  • Clarity: Commit messages should be clear and concise, conveying the intent of the change in a succinct manner. By using an imperative style and avoiding unnecessary details, developers can ensure that the commit messages are easy to understand and interpret.

  • Separation of Concerns:__ The commit message format separates different parts of the message, such as the subject, body, and footer. This separation allows developers to provide additional details, such as the motivation behind the change or references to related issues, without cluttering the main subject line.

  • Automation: Adopting a consistent commit message style allows for automation of various tasks. For example, tools like git-changelog can automatically generate changelogs by parsing commit messages that follow a specific format. This automation saves time and effort in manually maintaining changelogs.

By making these small changes in commit message style, developers can improve the overall quality of their version control workflow, making it more efficient and effective.


Commit messages are an essential aspect of the software development process. By mastering the art of writing clear, informative, and consistent commit messages, developers can greatly enhance collaboration, codebase maintenance, and project history tracking. Small changes in commit message style can make a big difference in the overall development process, leading to improved productivity and code quality.

So, let's embrace the power of well-crafted commit messages and make our version control workflow cooler than ever before! Happy coding! 🚀